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IPv6 users estimation


IPv6 Transit AS


% web pages available over IPv6

Overall data (map "all")

Updated: 24 June 2013

The overall map presents two IPv6 metrics: the overall deployment ratio and the relative deployment index. The former is an average of other metrics and is used to measure the deployment of IPv6 in a scale between 0% (no IPv6 at all) and 100% (everything is IPv6). The purpose of the latter is to compare countries to the currently most advanced IPv6 deployment (which country is graded 10). The color on the world map is based on this index

The overall IPv6 deployment ratio depends on three metrics: IPv6-enabled transit AS, IPv6 content and IPv6 users. How these ratios are computed is described in the sections below. The readiness of the country's infrastructure is described by the ratio of IPv6-enabled transit AS and amounts to 25%. The last 75% of the final ratio are allocated to the geometric mean between the content and the users. Considering that the product of users and content available to these users gives a simple estimation of the actual IPv6 traffic in the country, a geometric mean between content and user ratios is more meaningful than an arithmetic one. A much greater weight of 3 against 1 is explained by the fact that transit AS ratio only represents infrastructures whereas everything else needs to be " working for user traffic to exist.

The relative index uses the same arithmetic mean but with each term divided by their maximum value around the world. This mean may be used to compare several countries and is normalized afterwards from 0 to 10. In this way the best IPv6 country gets an index of 10 out of 10 and countries with very few IPv6 transit AS and users get low index values.

Map information:


IPv6 Users Adoption


Map: Data that represents IPv6 preferred users:

Source: APNIC Labs, Google, ITU for number of internet Users per country


Top IPv6-capable ISP

Name Country IPv6 share IPv6 subscribers
Source : APNIC Labs

IPv6 Transit statistics

Most connected IPv6 transit AS

AS Number AS Name AS Rank in IPv4
Source : Routeviews, 6lab.cisco.com

Transit AS

To measure the level of IPv6 readiness of the core of the internet, from a local and global point of view, one good way is to analyze the BGP routing table and measure the IPv6 enablement of Transit ASs.

A Transit AS is an AS through which packets travel and which is neither the departure nor the destination.
From a more pragmatic point of view: all AS that appear on an AS path of BGP table (and that are not the origin AS or the destination) are considered Transit AS

More precisely

The weight of an AS is the number of connexion it has on both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

It is calculated as follows:

Source: Routeviews for BGP table.
Team-cymru for AS names and countries.


IPv6 content statistics


The next step is to enable content on a web server. Alexa ranks websites by pageviews and unique users per country. It is therefore possible to retrieve the Top 500 websites / country.
For each of those websites, an AAAA request is made to DNS servers for the exact domain name and also possible test names such as www6.mydomain.mytld or ipv6.mydomain.mytld.
For each AAAA record test if the webpage is working in IPv6.

The weight is calculated as follows:

This is an approximation f where pageviews = f (website rank) based on world data. Therefore the weight of a website X is the probability for a random user in a random country on a random webpage, that this webpage belongs to X. Sadly it is unable to extract from Alexa specific country data about pageviews.

Source: Alexa for websites rankings per country.
DNS servers: OVH, Google, Cisco.

IPv6 enabled websites.

Website Alexa.com country rank
Source : Alexa, 6lab.cisco.com